Friday, March 20, 2020

March 2020 COVI-19

This virus is wrecking lives all over the world. The website, Worldometer has live updates of the outbreak from all over the world.
You can follow live updates here.

It's weird here in Lima Peru. It's quiet, military is on all streets and every car that passes is stopped. They have to show their picture ID, paperwork from the government with permission to be out driving, and proof that they are essential personnel, like a health worker, approved public transit operator, or working at a bank. During the day, if the person walking or driving around without this is stopped and does not have it, they take them to jail. For the rest of us, it is a "voluntary" quarantine, but it's really limited freedom. I can go to the corner store, but have to walk there (which it's okay with me) and it has to be somewhere close to where I live. Then from 8pm to 5am, it is complete shutdown of everything. It is a for sure reason to be taken to jail no ifs or buts.
Most of the time, because some workers get out sort of late, you can see people trying to get any type of transportation they can get, which include government approved buses, and non-approved vans, someone else's car operating as a makeshift taxi, and paying triple the price per ride than usual.

The government is working around the clock trying to navigate logystics, public health and safety as well as insane complicated systems to manage city, jungle and amazon communities. They have plans on using a 7 building complex that was constructed to house the athletes from the Panamerican Olympics last summer as a makeshift hospital for the Coronavirus patients that will need to be quaranteened, making available 3,000 beds for them.

The Center for Mission Mobilization formed a Task Force that is in constant communication with us with safety protocols, and Member Care staff is available if we need them. Also, my coworkers here, cellgroup leaders and some gals I frequently meet with are in constant contact with me making sure I am well and alive. So so sweet.