We have been designed to be dependent on our Lord Jesus Christ, and making His name known among the ones that have never heard of Him is our goal.
It is imperative for the missionary's sake to be surrounded by a committed prayer team . The reason behind this is that as the missionary does or does not communicate prayer request to the team, that the team picks up the front lines of communication and sustains the missionary with proactive prayer. The two sided communication would allow the missionary and team member to develop bonds that later in time would be crucial.
For example, let's say, after years outside of the country, the missionary might come back as a stranger to many of the church due to new members coming, and some leaving, come back to reverse culture shock, and family, friends and society did not freeze in time to how they so fondly remember, it moved on while they were gone. With great shock and some confusion the reentry can be alleviated by the team that faithfully stayed in communication with the missionary.
How hard would it be if there has been fantastic success in the missionary's life and ministry, and there was not many they could share it back home to? Communicating the blessings, saved lives and the favor God has given back to our loved ones is important as well.
OneOne12 is designed to gather friends, family and church around the missionary before, during and after they are in their host country.
It is proven that prayer moves mountains, God said it and I believe it. He proclaimed it and it is an honor to partner with with Him in this endeavor.